
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 45- Valentine's Day

Day 45- Valentine's Day

So it is Valentine's Day. Yet another sacred holiday co-opted by the card and chocolate companies convincing you that you need to spend a bunch of money to show you care about people.

But what if you don't play into all that junk? What if you don't want to spend your money on cheap cards and bad chocolate? Or what if you don't want to subject your loved ones with more stuff?

No big deal right? So you conveniently "forget about it".

What if you get to work and find out that some people live for Valentine's Day? What if you now feel obligated to give them something? No big deal! We've got you all covered.

A cheap and easy way to s
how some one that you care is the potato stamp!

Just take a potato and cut it in half or into thick slices and cut a design into it. Cover with paint and press onto a sheet of paper. It is that easy!!! Christine and I made our Valentines for friends and loved ones from potato stamps, tempera paint and construction paper. In less than an hour, we had made twenty bad-ass original valentines every one will enjoy.

But, what if potato stamp valentines are not enough?! Craft Magazine offers you this cool little box. If you like that, check out The World-famous Toymaker. These are all neat steam-punk-esque paper toys designed by an old family friend of ours.

Craft Magazine also suggests making a photo collage to express just the way you feel. I like this idea a lot. They also prove that coasters can renew any relationship. Especially these bad boys:

But lets say you have some time on your hands. Lets say you either are not going to see your special some one for a few weeks because they are unfortunately out of town. Or maybe you have a time machine. That would be cool, too!

Make Magazine has a bunch of really cool ideas. I especially like one crafter's expression of how she gave her partner The Clap in L.E.D.'s.

Happy Valentine's Day every one! I hope it is full of love and peace with all your sweeties!

Competency Moment of the Day: Instead of buying more stuff for my sweety, I donated to one of her favorite charities.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I will chrish our valentine forever and a day. It is on the fridge as we "speak."