
Friday, February 1, 2008

Oh Bluerg!

Day 32- The Importance of Savings; or, Oh Bluerg!

Today, I learned the importance of keeping some savings close at hand. A combination of a higher than average rent check and a smaller than average paycheck
and my successful attempt to wean myself from my credit card caused me to drain my liquid savings account and dip into my ING account for the first time.

Its moments like this when I bang my head on the desk. Boy, is this frustrating. Starting the month off flat broke is not my ideal situation. However, this will be a great experience in living a frugal lifestyle.

On the upside, this will help me fulfill my other goals of not eating out for the next two weeks and no impulse buying.

On the other hand, I had made plans with some friends to go shopping for yarn for our new knitting circle we are starting.

Oh Bluerg!

Competence highlight of the Day- Ummmm... We'll See.

1 comment:

Beth said...

May I suggest freecycle (look on for some free yarn. I know it is not the same as picking what you really want, but it is free.